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Secure 2.0
Thought leadership

Are You Ready for SECURE 2.0?

The SECURE 2.0 Act was passed to help millions of Americans without retirement. Will traditional 401k providers be able to innovate quickly enough to meet the SECURE 2.0 requirements?

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bank pillars
Thought leadership

Regulatory Watch: What Banks Should Keep an Eye On – May Update

President Biden and Federal Reserve Chair Michael Barr have clearly stated the need for increased regulations. And other countries, even those that are already more regulated, are closely monitoring the situation.

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glass globe in forest
Thought leadership

ESG Modelling – Managing Ever-Changing ESG Factors in Accurate Portfolio Evaluations

ESG factors have become increasingly important considerations for investors. As a result, financial services firms have also been placing greater emphasis on ESG and sustainability issues, both in their own operations and in the investments they recommend to clients.

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Capital Markets
testing simulations for banking
Thought leadership

Why Testing Model Simulations are Critical for Reducing Risk

Testing model simulations are essential for helping banks and financial institutions evaluate how changes in market conditions, such as interest rates and inflation assumptions, impact a bank’s risk profile. However, with many risk models living in siloed spreadsheets, it can be challenging for a bank to get complete visibility into its risk profile.

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legacy modernization

The Incremental Approach to Legacy Modernization

There is more than one path toward modernization, and one way is to approach legacy system modernization in more digestible steps, but steps that also provide quickly realized benefits without having to undertake the full project from the start.

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banking risk

Six risk management considerations amid the current market volatility

Effective risk management is vital for banks, particularly amid market fluctuations and growing regulatory demands. Review six key considerations banks should weigh when reviewing risk management processes and infrastructure.

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bank stress testing
Thought leadership

Why Stress Testing Liquidity is Critical Before a Potential Recession

While many major banks recently reported positive earnings announcements, signals of a possible recession still exist. This makes stringent stress testing of liquidity more important than ever.

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Excel spreadsheets

What if You Couldn’t Access Your Spreadsheets?

Organizations depend on Excel for mission-critical functions across a variety of industries. So, what would happen if you could no longer access any of your spreadsheets?

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